
Wynk Music

Senior Principal Engineer

Oct 2019 - Nov 2021 (2 y 1 m)

Gurugram, Hr, In

Content Catalog, Discovery & Personalisation

Spearheading the development of a personalized discovery platform, matching supply (content catalog) with demand (users’ persona) for various content types, including Music, Video, and Books.

Designed the comprehensive Content Intelligence Platform, effectively delegating clear responsibilities to different pods within the organization.

Built a highly scalable and personalized content-collections framework on Kubernetes, leveraging OpenFaaS and Annoy to test various machine learning models effectively.

Developed an end-user layout rendering engine, generating user-persona based content layouts for all clients of Wynk Music and Xstream, enhancing user experience.

Supporting and mentoring team members in their growth, while collaboratively building more manageable and extensible software components.